“There are many like it. But this one is mine.”
I was recently asked at work to get some Windows labs I manage up to the latest Windows Feature Update available (20H2 for the ‘me’ writing this now). As with many of the things I get tasked with, I gotta do it like a lot of times, so I try to script out most of that work to make my life easier. I’ve recently found a ton of novel uses for cURL now packaged with Win10 as of build 17063, and boy howdy do I enjoy downloading stuff repetitively without getting into a GUI. What a time to be alive!
To be one of the kool kids, I’ll point out the Windows Upgrade Assistant script will helpfully force a reboot. Like, it’s a feature, man. But, I am on the hunt for how to reboot on my own time, and will follow up if that solution turns up.
The batch script:
curl -O https://download.microsoft.com/download/2/b/b/2bba292a-21c3-42a6-8123-98265faff0b6/Windows10Upgrade9252.exe
start /wait "" Windows10Upgrade9252.exe /QuietInstall /SkipEula /MinimizeToTaskBar /Auto Upgrade
shutdown /a
rem depending on the flags used for the upgrade, I would tail the upgrade log with the following to keep track of it during testing:
rem powershell -command "Get-Content C:\Windows10Upgrade\upgrader_default.log –Wait"
rem These are the available command switches for the upgrade assistant app:
rem /ClientID
rem /Push
rem /Install
rem /SetupFile
rem /SkipSelfUpdate
rem /ReUseCatalog
rem /SkipEULA
rem /OobeUi
rem /OobeRS2Ui
rem /EosUi
rem /PostEosUi
rem /TenSUi
rem /PreventWUUpgrade
rem /SetOobeTourniquetRunningRegKey
rem /SetPriorityLow
rem /UninstallUponExit
rem /UninstallUponUpgrade
rem /ForceUninstall
rem /MinimizeToTaskBar
rem /ShowProgressInTaskBarIcon
rem /SkipCompatCheck
rem /QuietInstall
rem /NoRestartUI
rem /EnableTelemetry
rem /InstallationFolder
rem /Edition
rem /Language